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Cultural Activities

Cultural Activities

Cultural Activities

''Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.''​

The various clubs and societies managed by students themselves contribute a lot to the cultural life on campus. The Institute offers excellent opportunities, covering a very wide range, to its students to participate in recreational and creative activities. An annual inter-college cultural festival “YOUTH FESTIVAL” is organized to encourage interaction between various colleges and to promote competitions of high standard. Teams from a large number of colleges and institutes all over the country participate in this annual event which comprises competitions in dramas, music, dance, solo song,gidha etc.

Through these extra-curricular activities, the growth and development of the total personality of a student is ensured. In the college, every year “ANNUAL FUNCTIONS” is held in which different students perform activities like dance, skit and bhangra etc. and “PRIZE DISTRIBUTION” also takes place.